Chee_Q_bher's Hate

Chee_Q_bher's Hate


Disaster catalogues
In addition to chronological histories, catalogues of past disruptive events, disasters, and catastrophes were reviewed. There are a number of different types of catalogues available such as
·      The Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED)13;
·      Thematic briefs and the event catalogue of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction14 and the United Nations Development Programme Disaster RiskReduction15; which also produces guidelines for establishing disaster loss databases
·      World Bank Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery.17
·      Catalogues of catastrophic events, focused on, but not exclusively documenting those that cause loss to the insurance and reinsurance industry maintained by major reinsurers such as Swiss Re18 and Munich Re19.
·      Organizations such as the UN’s Humanitarian Early Warning Service20 monitor and publish ongoing crises and early warning indicators worldwide, and maintain a database of past events.
·      Global Risk Information Platform maintains a meta-catalogue of disaster databases21.
·      In addition there are several organizations that develop communities of risk management professionals who publish case studies, hold conferences on disaster mitigation and recovery, and act as information repositories.

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